by good_citizen | Jun 22, 2017 | Newsroom
(OUT OF MY HEAD By Bill Burnett – June 22, 2017) We’re coming up on Independence Day again and that of course means the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, our flag being still there. Last year my family and I didn’t go to any particular...
by good_citizen | Jun 19, 2017 | Newsroom
A New York Times recent article had this chilling headline: Can Charities Survive Trump? For Some It’s Life and Death “…everything changed in January, with a new administration determined to slash budgets and minimize priorities for anything not related to the...
by good_citizen | Jun 14, 2017 | Newsroom
Brand Launch: C2.0 Introducing Community 2.0. A brand, a logo and a website helps build a movement created to gather like minded people all hoping to help one another. Our client envisions a world where, through the power of the people around you, you’re able to reach...
by good_citizen | Jun 1, 2017 | Newsroom
Celebrating WOMEN of passion and love, Good Citizen is fortunate to photo document the annual & special events for the Jewish Federation of the San Gabriel and Pomona Valley. These branded photos are included in our website maintenance bundle. For more...
by good_citizen | May 16, 2017 | Newsroom
301 Organics has a tough story to tell. They provide very scientific and VERY impressive services. Trouble is, a lot of what they do gets lost in translation. We set out to help them make their website speak a little more clearly to their audience by making...
by good_citizen | May 4, 2017 | Newsroom
Good Citizen is thrilled to begin recording Journey UWest, a podcast series we are producing for University of the West. Here are sneak peak pics of a recent recording session with Buddhist chaplain & podcast host Monica Sanford at Good Citizen Media studios...
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